Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"And Then What Happens???"

When you're growing up, your parents guide you to be a better person, encourage you to do your best and tell you, "You can be anything you want to be. If you work hard enough, you can even grow up to be President!" The truth of it is, growing up poor and Black (I grew up Black, not Afro-American, sorry...), my mother told me to work hard and be the best I could be, but become President?!? Oh, we knew that wasn't ever going to happen for a Black man...

But now it's all changed!

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't have any delussions that America (or the world for that matter) is now some sort of Utopian Star Trek-like society, where race is a non-issue. Actually, quite the contrary. I also don't expect President Obama to fly into the White House on a magic comet and fix everything. He's just one man and a politician. But it's about the promise, the hope and the fact that steps are being taken towards a better America for everyone (except of course the disenfranchised NeoNazi's). The fact that a majority of people out there can come together and have their voices heard and their voices said, "that man is the better man and that's what we want, regardless of his skin tone."

I'm sure this quote will be said time and time again, but I'm gonna say it, because it's true...

"I never thought I'd see a Black President, in my lifetime."

So, now the real question is, "...and then what happens???"

In 2009, we shall see...