Sunday, February 17, 2008

IGF and GDC 08

Well, I'm off on the road to GDC. This year should be interesting because Axiom Overdrive is up for an IGF award. It's really cool to have someone acknowledge your work, especially since the love comes from a really crap/broken build submitted like 4 months ago. The game has come leaps and bounds in that time, so for them to see the potential back then is great.

With the nomination comes lovely people willing to actually put a mic (email?) in front of you and give a shit what you have to say. That's cool, since I don't have an announcement of starting a new studio, bitching about a game review I didn't like, leaving an old studio, pledging that I won't make crap games anymore, or any of the other completely ridiculous things people get press for nowadays. Seriously, whatever happen to getting press for releasing a game?!? Speaking of, what's with people mentioning that they "might be doing something, someday, that might be remotely interesting, but I can't tell you for the next 2-5 years!??" I mean, I understand press releases for actual up-coming games or something that's actually in development, but a blurb that you're thinking about doing something cool with maybe one bad concept drawing?!!? I don't get it...

(Is this the point where I write - deep breath?)

So yeah, a couple of people give a shit what I have to say. GAMEDEV.NET have an interview up, where I babble, attempting to answer their questions in an interested, yet still printable manner.

I'll also be appearing on G4's Xplay. They've already put up part one of a multi-part piece (or at least it better be), where my interview verbage is mysteriously absent, but you can see me playing Axiom in the b-roll. I assume it's because my interview is being used for the other parts of the coverage. I'll assume that for now, instead of getting really pissed that someone who wasn't even supposed to be in the piece, threw a tantrum and horned-in (even attempting to have me cut out entirely, when told to look for me). But I'm not gonna be bitter, because if some people need to act like that and need to do that kind of thing to get ahead, well good luck with that. I like to live off of the merits of what I do versus shoving others down, at this point in my life...

(oh wait, this is where I say it... DEEP BREATH!)

So... GDC.

Yeah, I can't wait to get into the conferences where everybody bitches about innovation, poor production practices, capturing the customer, "indie" vs. "casual", etc. Last year was interesting because there were solid surprises and the "next gen wars" were just about to happen. Now, a year later, with X360 the undeclared winner, Wii the fan favorite and PS3 wondering WTF happen, it'll be interesting to see if any significant announcements are made. I mean, since there's no more E3 (don't pretend that press-only bullshit is E3... 'cause it's not), GDC is one of the only times the biz can get any concentrated exposure during the year.

We shall see. Check back for the stink.

1 comment:

Unknown said...